EmpowHer: How to Become the Go-To Advisor for the Women's Market

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Dear Fellow Financial Advisor,

I'm going to be very candid.

Since the pandemic, very little that used to work seems to be working as well when it comes to marketing.

Seminar attendance is low.

Response rates to direct marketing are low.

Even radio shows are pulling in less as more and more people move to satellite radio.

But one thing that will always work is specialization.

I've seen it time and time again, often with advisors I've mentored in this area.

Find a specific target market and position yourself as the go-to expert for them. 

I've seen advisors do it with doctors, pilots, employees of certain companies, and even optometrists.

But many advisors, including myself, struggle with finding the one niche with whom we can naturally connect.

Fortunately, THE best market is one we all have a very strong connection to:


Women comprise the majority of our population.

They control the majority of the investment assets.

They are often our best clients.

They live longer, have an 80% chance of dying alone, and are more likely to refer.

And yet, rarely does our industry recognize them and the fact that their needs are different.

It's been a man's world out there in financial services. We all know it.

I've been researching this target market for a long time. It already comprises the majority of my clients and almost 100% of my best clients. 

Recently, one advisor told me that almost 60% of her clients attend her workshops because the invitation says: For Women Only.

So, here's how I'm attacking this market:

  • I wrote a book. Two actually. Both are called Suddenly Single. One targets widows. The other middle aged divorcees.

  • I have created a seminar system specifically for women. This system is a little different than the ones I’ve used before. It’s actually a precursor course that I’ll use to push people to a more in-depth course on financial planning.

  • I’ve created a well designed Shock & Awe kit to build my list. List attendees will then be invited to workshops and webinars. 

  • I’ve modified my website to make it clear we are a firm for women. 

  • I’ve completely revised my selling approach because this market is different, and in a very good way.

  • I’ve created an extensive drip system that includes video, emails, and direct mail. 

  • I’ve created a brand new podcast directed at the women market.

All of this I encourage you to do as well. But let’s face it: implementation (or lack thereof), is where great ideas go to die.

So, for 12 advisors, I am going to share everything I do and personally train them (you know I hate the word coach) through the process.

But for I get into that, let me first tell you why you may not want to be one of the 12:

  • I don’t have a long track record in marketing specifically to women. Oh sure, I have a lot of women clients, but this venture is a new one for me. I will be implementing it alongside you. And we will no doubt learn a great deal together.

  • You may need to hire some outside support to implement all the ideas like a podcast, or website changes, or funnel design. My team will assist with as much as possible, but this is NOT 100% done for you at no extra cost. If you engage the people with whom I work, they will charge you. They’re reasonable, but they are capitalists.

  • You will need to spend money on marketing. As a rule I recommend 10% of revenue. And depending on the size of your practice, that may not be enough.

  • You will need to run my materials through your own compliance. I am an RIA, so I serve as my own compliance officer. My stuff is fairly plain vanilla, but again, this is on you.

  • You must be willing to attend a 30 minute one one call with me every month for 12 months. If you miss more than two calls, I will likely book you from the program. And these calls will be set up in advance, same day, same time, every month.

  • You must be trainable. Another word for that is humble. If not, you won’t like me and I definitely will not like you.

  • You must be patient. This is NOT a get rich quick system. You may get quick results, but be prepared to see results build slowly over time.

Okay, so here's what you'll get:

  • Access to the books Suddenly Single. You can make this book yours in a number of ways. You can choose to write the introduction. Or, you can rework the book with a new title to make it 100% your book. I really don’t care. As long as it reads differently, I’m good with that. But, the second option may require the assistance of a copywriter. I have one I can refer you to, but she doesn’t work for free.

  • Two sets of seminar materials. One for face-to-face receptions and the other for webinars. Both run under an hour. The face to face system is designed for social settings. Yes, food. Or at the very least, appetizers and refreshments. Women like social outings and are much more likely to bring a friend.

  • Sales funnel design: I will lay out for you in concept what your sales funnel should look like. I’ll provide you with all the email and video copy. But you may need to hire someone to implement it within whatever type of autoresponder you use: Keap, Active Campaign, Watson, etc.

  • Podcast Copy: I’ll send you transcripts for all of my podcasts so that you can use them for ideas in your own show. Again, you may need to hire a podcast producer. Then again, many people are comfortable doing it on their own.

  • Sales training: Women are different. It may not be politically correct any longer to acknowledge this simple fact of life. Do so at your peril. Hence, how we present to them must be different.

  • One on One calls with me: With all due humility, I think this is the best part of the program. You and I will be hooked to the hip for at least a year. We will talk every month. And in addition to assisting you with this venture, I will offer you offer advice in other areas such as profitability, staffing, operations, succession planning, selling...whatever it takes to achiever a truly entrepreneurial practice.

The cost: A 12 month commitment of $829 a month. If you wish to continue after 12 months, that’s your call. If you wish to pay in advance, I’ll cut the cost by 10%.

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-Dan Cuprill

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